whyarewefriendsguitar1This and more pix by Keith Huang here.  Thanks Keith!

Thanks so much to everyone who came out to see Why Are We Friends–we are so grateful for all of your support and promise much more hotness and magic coming very soon.

4 responses to “THANK YOU SO MUCH Y’ALL

  1. theamericangreen

    WE WANT PODCASTS! — the interwebs

  2. Yo! I just clicked over to this here COMMENTS section with the express purpose of typing: “Thank us with HILARIOUS PODCASTS.”

    ONLY TO DISCOVER… SMITH co-opted my sentiment on behalf of ‘the interwebs.’

    Who are the interwebs? Why do they want everything I want, before I want it? HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW???!?!?!

  3. audienceoftwo

    Gentlemen! It has been difficult to create podcasts of late due to my recent transformation from HUMAN to EAGLE. However, I am slowly returning to my human form, and we should have some new podcasts up shortly.

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